Friday, 29 June 2012

Fat bitches

The scene is set. A murder!
"I can't help feeling it would be sadder if she wasn't ...heavy"
You know why? Because fat bitches make people sad.
Skinny bitches make people sad too.
But it's okay, because we like to look at them regardless.

What is this new thing where people want 'real' models and more average 'girl next door' looking actors and actresses? Okay so maybe not so much for girls, but definately guys.

If I'm watching a movie I want sexy actors. Jesus. It's not rocket science.
I am rather fond of Thor.
He's all man.
But it's so rare that there are hot guy actors now. What is this?

Who ACTUALLY wants this 

Over this:

NOBODY! That's who.
Sheesh, get your shit together Hollywood. I want to be lost in the dreamy eyes and hot body of Chris Hemsworth, not see Seth Rogan be an asshole.

I have resolved to make myself have a hot body.
I am not fat, I am not under this impression.
BUT! I want to be fit/toned. So. I will. Mostly because I'm superficial but also because I want to be better than people I hate.
This is possibly very stupid reasoning.
But I wont lie and say it's about health.

Wish me luck.
Eating out of boredom is a vice I am not quite sure how to deal with.
Also, food = happiness.

Anyway, this entry wasn't that amusing/witty. I just wanted to get the message across to myself and randoms on the internet, then maybe I wont get distracted and nibble absent mindedly whilst browsing 9gag.

We out, yo!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

How aMUSE-ing.

Sex. Sexy, sexy sex.
Sex is awesome, we all know it.

Daydream nation put it well:
    "Okay, let's just say that I have banged forty guys. What's the problem? You're just jealous because you've been, ah, brainwashed by puritanical assholes who think sex is a sin. But then again, your, ah, little gerbil-sized brain has been reprogrammed by the media to believe that sex is the be-all, end-all. So now you're stuck, right? 'Cause on the one hand you love to fuck, but afterwards you feel overwhelmed by guilt & you're not sure why. Maybe it's because sex is neither as good or as evil as you've built it up to be."

It does put us in a cruel position. Especially for women. I can't so much speak for men, perhaps in this day and age they feel both guilt and pressure to get laid, despite the difficulty of frigid girls (ha). Personally, I think sex is fucking awesome (no pun intended.) But the guilt associated with women enjoying sex and seeking it out, even these days, outweighs my urge to well, 'seek it out.'

In a sense I want to be a young, liberated woman, who sees someone attractive and says "whatevs, I'm young." Not to the extent of not using protection or anything, because being young does not give you super powers, and an ever more liberating society is sure to be a sespool for ...unspeakable things.  But I'm not, because I have morals, I want to be a challenge, I want to feel special. But also I don't want to be judged, by myself, by friends, by society. Oh lordy loo, what would your brothers think? Will you never get into heaven now? How scary.

The magical 'relationship' status changes it and makes it okay. But what if you don't want that? I don't know if I do or I don't. Perhaps I do. But not with anyone I know right now. So what? I'm supposed to be a responsible young person and do nothing? How very, very dull.

Sexual liberation my ass. The guilt of doing absolutely anything is unbearable.
This is absolute balls.

Sometimes sex can be inspiring. I've seen really intricate things during. I've seen colours and patterns that one (more pretentious than myself) would consider beautiful art. I've seen an entire kingdom with samurai and guards and high stone towers, and from memory I can't figure out why that had come to mind. Sex, a muse.

Once I read a trashy article in some girly magazine that Lady Gaga 'avoids' sex because it takes away from her creativity. Yeah, right. Then she admitted that drugs encourage her creativity. Celebrities are weird.


Monday, 18 June 2012

Drunk with what? With wine, with poetry, with virtue.

As you please. But get drunk.
Teenagers and adults seek to regain their childlike behaviours and views on the world by getting drunk. That's what I believe. That giddy feeling you get, the feeling that you can say and do as you please. The consequences don't matter. I remember the first time I got drunk. It was my older brother's 18th and I remember telling him "I knew what I was doing, I wasn't out of control, I just didn't care about the conesquences." He told me that's what being drunk was. I suppose in a sense it's liberating, that's why we enjoy it so much. That's why drinking at work functions could potentially be the death of you, or at least your career. Idiots.

At the start of the night having a thought about a person you see in a bar, and then waiting until the 'dutch courage' sets in and you can approach them and tell them what you think. This "fuck you" to social norms and pressures telling you that you can't say certain things because they aren't PC, or it's weird to approach people you don't know. But if this is the case, how would anyone meet anyone? It's becoming more and more apparant to me that meeting people without the influence is a daunting process, not for me in particular, but for society. How sad.

And so I'll continue to drink, because I am not opposed to it. I like to party. I'll be the first to admit that. There is a time and a place, however. I am prone to making quite a tool of myself, but are these just thoughts and actions that I want to do when sober and have been 'programmed' to ignore? Or does drinking make you a different person? I don't know anymore.

Food for thought.

Whatcha gonna do with all that time, all that time inside that life?

Ain't holidays grand!

No uni and no job make for an unproductive and overall uneventful life. At the moment the highlight has been food, sleep and today I got a new piercing. Isn't it strange to think you PAY someone to stab you in various places and put metal through you? Seems like something that should be avoided. But hey, I'm a fan. Also paying hundreds of dollars to be stabbed repetitively by needles (tattoos). They're pretty rad. It's fun to get them done, because it's exciting and something new. Does that make me a massachist? Perhaps. It's more the adrenaline rush than actually being poked (no sex pun intended).

I just watched Limitless, and it makes me feel like I should be doing more with life. The main character was a bit of a tosser for most of the movie, but comparing his life where he did nothing to the life where he was motivated and making the most of life on that drug makes me feel guilty because I can relate to the writer that doesn't write anything a lot more.

But I suppose we can't all be CEOs. How else can we motivate ourselves to do well if not to say a big F you to all those people you hate. My brother once told me "the best revenge is being better than people". He didn't mean I should be the bigger person and not hate on people, he literally meant doing well and watching the people from your past flail around in an endless pool of self destruction is so very satisfying. The purpose of facebook, really. Making it easier to watch people from your past and present change and then of course to brag about how your change has been for the better.

I don't actually think I am able to follow the two people I would say I actually hate, stupid people and their actually wanting to be friends with their friends on these stalker sites. I would rather just tell people how kickass things are going.

I love uni.
I have kickass people in my life.
I am doing well.
I am having fun.
I love life.

This is all I want the vast majority of people to see and think. I think it's very selfish of people to make others feel bad and complain to them all the time. This is the complete opposite of what I was saying before, but those are people I hate. I hate those guys. People complaining and telling people all the time (especially if you're out as a group) and bringing everyone down is so... so... boring. Honestly, can't they do it elsewhere? I like to get my jiggy on.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

A guy walks into a bar

I forget the rest of the joke, but your mother's a whore.
My complete lack of ability to stick with anything is somewhat troubling sometimes. I mean, I have a story I started in year 8 that had a lot of readers online and off, but I just get distracted by so many things. Mostly social networking, or cartoons, or sleep. Don't get me started on how many books I've started and stopped halfway through, or TV series even! I could go off on quite a tangent there, and tangents don't have to ever finish, which is why they're so great. 

Bars are great for this, people of various education levels battling it out on various topics. Sometimes somebody says something and you just think "wow, okay, you actually believe that?" Either it's incredibly dumb or it's just so... not PC let's say, haha. Depending on how much I like hearing the sound of my own voice at the time (which let's be honest, is probably a lot) I'll continue to argue with these people and not just shut them down or excuse myself due to fear of logic-cancer. It gets interesting. Sometimes. Sometimes I'm forced to excuse myself due to fear of logic-cancer.

Today I was trying to make a coffee, hang out washing and write. Instead I asked myself aloud what the date was and decided to make a facebook status about it asking if I was normal. Talk about attention whoring. Rest assured though, I did get over 10 likes and a decent amount of comments. I know, some child in some country I've never heard of lacks clean water, but rest assured.

Jesus! Talk about pretentious.
Here, enjoy some cute puppies to make up for it.
Still with me?
GOOD! (muhhahaha, silly person.)

Validate me! Validate me!
You are not how many likes you have. You are not the contents of your comments. You are not your fucking friends list.
You have to give up.
You have to realise, that some day your friends will move on from facebook.
Until you know that, you are useless.

I know, it's my second fight club reference on a blog with few posts. But! You have to admit it's a pretty kickass movie. Also, fuck you, it's my blog. If you want to read about ponies try somewhere less awesome.

This is why I should/shouldn't write at 4am. I'm awake now (and I shouldn't be) and I'm typing up random thoughts rather than anything of actual substance. I'm actually scared to look at facebook now because KFC has posted an advertisment and I know I'll feed the bottomless pit that IS my stomach despite my (hopefully soon) bed time. Yes, advertisments work. Yes, there is a reason they exist. Yes, I am a mass media 'victim'. Yes, I really want KFC now.

Fuck you, KFC.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

What's my age agin?

I remember hearing somewhere that teenagers actually work better later on in the day ,

Perhaps even evening/night? I wonder if that's true. I also wonder if that applies to 'young adults'.

Funny categories the terms 'young adult' and 'adult'. I mean, technically us 'young adults' are just 'adults'. But we aren't really considered by ourselves or society as adults. Which is fine with me, I'm about 5yrs old sometimes. But I do fear that I will never actually be an adult.

There is of course an appeal to holding onto being young, but one day you've got to grow up and join society as a 'responsible' member. Or else live out your days as a drop kick.

I fear now, that I lack the path towards being an adult, all the right things you should have at my age... My whole life I've been told I act/speak mature for my age, but when "age" comes I doubt my actions are really up to scratch.

The difference between 18 and before? I can now procrastinate and avoid responsibility in a much more reckless way. I can purchase alcohol. But what now? I'm not 18 anymore and as the months turn over I wonder if I'll ever be a responsible member of society.

But honestly? Fuck it. It concerns me, but I know I'm still young and in the words of blink 182 "...many years ahead to fall in line". Wise, wise words.

Peace out, yo!
Sincerely, a less than legit adult.