Monday, 6 August 2012

The secret world & how uni is making me feel dumb


The secret world seems like a good way to make myself feel less shit about not understanding how to indentify what is an iambic word and what is a trochee. I mean, I studied my fair share of poetry throughout high school and college but I have never heard of these terms.

I'm sure missing lectures and tutes is not helping me, but now I'm not even sure what to do because I've also been ignoring my readings. Let's see how tomorrow goes.
But for now.

I will make sure I at least attend all my classes this week so I know what's going on, also getting on that comic thing. But this week is so freaking busy.

You get to that point where you have so much on that you just want to ignore everything and retreat into a book or a video game or sleeping? Too often I opt for the sleeping option.  But now I have a new MMO to sink my teeth into!

Also the character I made is super hawt.

The game itself (which I haven't played a lot of) is actually different from WoW. Which surprises me. It's like an action mmorpg wherein there are no classes and only humans (as the playable race).

Who needs to study.
(Me, but pffft.)

Happy huntin', folks!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Too much oatmeal

Not enough originality
I always want to create a web comic whenever I read the things that the oatmeal and hyperbole and a half post. They are hilarious, and have talent (are able to draw). I like to think I am somewhat humorous but my ability to draw is somewhat lacking.

However! I will only learn if I try.
So here goes.
I will attempt to draw something and post results (because after all that's how you learn, right?)
I'll just have to force an idea to come out or keep doodling and hoping for the best.
Probably both.

Even still, it will be good for me to do more than just read web comics online and scroll through the interbuttz waiting until the evening (the only time I seem to do things any more other than uni and the occasional coffee). I also need to take more photos of random things. Carrying around a SLR I feel a bit like a douche bag. But last night at the bar some random who joined the assortment of uni drunks that convene on Thursdays did take quite a few photos of us as well as randoms, with my camera. I do enjoy someone who is able to make a dick of themselves, and he had that quite down, enjoying the reactions from people. So the hassle of carrying it around everywhere has not been all a waste.

It has been some time since I've taken photos of randoms (the day I got my camera doesn't count, a few randoms were exploited then).

Wish me luck!
By the by, curry & juice don't go well together.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Push me, and then just touch me

'Till I can get my satisfaction
I am mostly a reasonable person. Sometimes. Maybe. Well... okay maybe not.
But there is something uncool about getting a call from someone sloshed late at night asking you to travel a long way to see them.
I wonder what they could possibly want!
Which isn't to say I'm against sex, as long as it's consensual and not exploitive or anything. 
But when someone's been absent from your life for two weeks (a long time when you spent a lot of time together the months before that) then it's a little strange/aggrivating.

A friend of mine told me that I've been down due to lack of sexy times.
But try being a girl! Sex is the devil apparently.

The thing is, if everyone knows sex is awesome, why is it supposedly such a guilty pleasure? I mean honestly. What's the problem here? Why does it make a girl the scum of the earth if she has confidence and enjoys sex to see it out?
Trying to tell ME what to do.

I'm blonde now anyway, might as well live up to the stereotype, hey?
Bring out the short shorts and mini skirts!
Well, not really. It's too cold.
But for the unveiling of my hair today I am wearing a 5seeds top I got from O-week, so this has to count for something. Ahh, stereotyping is fun.
Even when it's against/for myself. I can enjoy categorising people. It's another guilty pleasure of mine. Looking at a random person walking past and deciding that due to that then they are obviously thinking this.

Eg. fat man in terrible clothing making a terrible joke BUT with a blonde hottie next to him.
Maybe he's rich. Maybe he's friendzoned hard.
Maybe they were childhood friends but she became hot and he didn't and then he turned out to have a billion dollar idea and became super rich and they happened to 'run into' each other (she planned this with consistant facebook stalking) and they caught up and she dug her claws into his life  and got pregnant so that they would have to marry and she'd live a life of ease of his money, constantly rejecting their child and having multiple affairs whilst he wished he married the quiet brunette in his office that was polite and sweet even before he made it.

Or maybe it's his sister.
I like my story better though! 

I went on space mountain 17 times

*clap clap*
Again, not really.

The song is just stuck in my head.

Alrighty! So I decided against the scam-tastic internet thing and now I'm looking for other wanky ways to weaken my worries. I had to stop for a second to think of a 'w' word that means taking away. It could've been better but I am not a poet.

I learned this today at my poetry tute where I was quite shocked to realise that I am not as intelligent as my college had me believe. I did a bit of poetry over the years in school but it turns out I have no idea how to dissect one and the words like 'trochee' terrify me.

I also skipped my last tute today because I was so worked up by stupid people and their stupid stressing me out. I want to be over all this sillyness and learn parkour instead.

It would be awesome, but I lack the testes to do this. Just yet.
I will one day know some basics of this, but hey. For now I'm scared I'll both make a dick of myself and/or kill myself in the process.

Wish me luck.

Also fuck you to best friends who are vacant.
I'm sick of putting up with people's bullshit.
I want to runaway and join the circus.


All doped up and nowhere to go

I am opposed to drugs.
I have valium, which I'm scared to ever use.
But let's be honest.. anxiety sucks balls.
& lately it's been playing up more than I would like to admit.
(A lot)
I'm sick of being held back from doing things I want to do.
I'm sick of being unhappy.
I should drink less.
But I'm scared to branch out and do something else.
This is the plan as the happier and less honest entry below this says.
I don't know what to do except opt for some random internet promoted thing.
Even if it's a placebo effect that it gives me, I am willing to pay for it.
This is what the site had to say about me when I finished the online test.


I need less assholes in my life and more hobbies.
My SLR was so expensive and I've hardly even used it even though it's only what 2? days old.
All I want to do is sleep.
But all I have are nightmares.
I also lack the space to do so... how unnerving.

I want to be me again.
Whoever this whingy faggot is smells funny.

I also went blonde yesterday.
It looks a lot better than I thought it would, so that's pretty ace.
Life is... lifey.